Tanpa bermaksud untuk mendramatisasi tentang orang Israel dan atau orang Yahudi, saya ingin berbagi informasi yang saya peroleh dari membaca terjemahan H. Maaruf Bin Hj Abdul Kadir (guru besar berkebangsaan Malaysia) dari Universitas Massachuset USA tentang penelitian yang dilakukan oleh DR.Stephen Carr Leon. Penelitian DR Leon ini adalah tentang pengembangan kualitas hidup orang Israel atau orang Yahudi.
Mengapa Orang Yahudi, rata-rata pintar ? Studi yang dilakukan mendapatkan fakta-fakta sebagai berikut :
Ternyata, bila seorang Yahudi Hamil, maka sang ibu segera saja meningkatkan aktivitasnya membaca, menyanyi dan bermain piano serta mendengarkan musik klasik. Tidak itu saja, mereka juga segera memulai untuk mempelajari matematika lebih intensif dan juga membeli lebih banyak lagi buku tentang matematika. mempelajarinya, dan bila ada yang tidak diketahui dengan baik, mereka tidak segan-segan untuk datang ke orang lain yang tahu matematika untuk mempelajarinya. Semua itu dilakukannya untuk anaknya yang masih didalam kandungan.
Setelah anak lahir, bagi sang ibu yang menyususi bayi nya itu, mereka memilih lebih banyak makan kacang, korma dan susu. Siang hari, makan roti dengan ikan yang tanpa kepala serta salad. Daging ikan dianggap bagus untuk otak dan kepala ikan harus dihindari karena mengandung zat kimia yang tidak baik untuk pertumbuhan otak si anak. Disamping itu sang ibu diharuskan banyak makan minyak ikan (cod liver oil).
Menu diatur sedemikian rupa sehingga didominasi oleh ikan. Bila ada daging, mereka tidak akan makan daging bersama-sama dengan ikan,karena mereka percaya dengan makan ikan dengan daging hasilnya tidak bagus untuk pertumbuhan. Makan ikan seyogyanya hanya makan ikan saja, bila makan daging , hanya makan daging saja, tidak dicampur. Makan pun, mereka mendahulukan makan buah-buahan baru makan roti atau nasi. Makan nasi dulu baru kemudian makan buah, dipercaya akan hanya membuat ngantuk dan malas berkerja.
Yang istimewa lagi adalah : Di Isarel, merokok itu tabu ! Mereka memiliki hasil penelitian dari ahli peneliti tentang Genetika dan DNA yang meyakinkan bahwa nekotin akan merusak sel utama yang ada di otak manusia yang dampaknya tidak hanya kepada si perokok akan tetapi juga akan mempengaruhi “gen” atau keturunannya. Pengaruh yang utama adalah dapat membuat orang dan keturunannya menjadi “bodoh” atau “dungu”. Walaupun, kalau kita perhatikan , maka penghasil rokok terbesar di dunia ini adalah orang Yahudi ! Tetapi yang merokok , bukan orang Yahudi.
Anak-anak, selalu diprioritaskan untuk makan buah dulu baru makan nasi atau roti dan juga tidak boleh lupa untuk minum pil minyak ikan. Mereka juga harus pandai bahasa , minimum 3 bahasa harus dikuasai nya yaitu Hebrew, Arab dan bahasa Inggris. Anak-anak juga diwajibkan dan dilatih piano dan biola. Dua instrument ini dipercaya dapat sangat efektif meningkatkan IQ mereka. Irama musik terutama musik klasik dapat menstimulasi sel otak. Sebagian besar dari musikus genius dunia adalah orang Yahudi.
Satu dari 6 anak Yahudi, diajarkan matematik dengan konsep yang berkait langsung dengan bisnis dan perdagangan. Ternyata salah satu syarat untuk lulus dari Perguruan Tinggi bagi yang Majoring nya Bisnis, adalah, dalam tahun terakhir, dalam satu kelompok mahasiswa (terdiri dari 10 orang), harus menjalankan perusahaan. Mereka hanya dapat lulus setelah perusahaannya mendapat untung 1 juta US Dollar. Itulah sebabnya, maka lebih dari 50 % perdagangan di dunia dikuasai oleh orang Yahudi. Design “Levis” terakhir diciptakan oleh satu Universitas di Israel, fakultas “business and fashion“.
Olah raga untuk anak-anak, diutamakan adalah Menembak, Memanah dan Lari. Menembak dan Memanah, akan membentuk otak cemerlang yang mudah untuk “fokus” dalam berpikir !
Di New York, ada pusat Yahudi yang mengembangkan berbagai kiat berbisnis kelas dunia. Disini terdapat banyak sekali kegiatan yang mendalami segi-segi bisnis sampai kepada aspek-aspek yang mempengaruhinya. Dalam arti mempelajari aspek bisnis yang berkaitan juga dengan budaya bangsa pangsa pasar mereka. Pendalaman yang bergiat nyaris seperti laboratorium, “research and development” khusus perdagangan dan bisnis ini dibiayai oleh para konglomerat Yahudi. Tidak mengherankan bila kemudian kita melihat keberhasilan orang Yahudi seperti terlihat pada : Starbuck, Dell Computer, Cocacola, DKNY, Oracle. pusat film Hollywood, Levis dan Dunkin Donat.
Khusus tentang rokok, negara yang mengikuti jejak Israel adalah Singapura. Di Singapura para perokok diberlakukan sebagai warga negara kelas dua. Semua yang berhubungan dengan perokok akan dipersulit oleh pemerintahnya. Harga rokok 1 pak di Singapura adalah 7 US Dollar, bandingkan dengan di Indonesia yang hanya berharga 70 sen US Dollar. Pemerintah Singapura menganut apa yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti Israel , bahwa nekotin hanya akan menghasilkan generasai yang “Bodoh” dan “Dungu”.
Percaya atau tidak, tentunya terserah kita semua. Namun kenyataan yang ada terlihat bahwa memang banyak sekali orang yahudi yang pintar ! Tinggal, pertanyaannya adalah, apakah kepintarannya itu banyak manfaatnya bagi peningkatan kualitas hidup umat manusia secara keseluruhan.
Jakarta 5 Februari 2009
Chappy hakim
February 10, 2009
Mengapa orang Yahudi banyak yang pintar ?
Minggu lalu ketika sedang membaca Kompasiana online, sebuah judul tulisan bertajuk "Mengapa orang Yahudi banyak yang pintar?" mengusik keingintahuan saya untuk membaca lebih lanjut. Ternyata penulisnya adalah Pak Chappy Hakim, mantan Kepala Staf TNI Angkatan Udara 2002-2005. Saya tidak begitu hafal siapa Kasau, Kasal atau Kasad yang menjabat pada tahun ini atau sebelumnya, tetapi nama Chappy Hakim sangat familiar pasca jatuhnya pesawat Adam Air yang menewaskan seluruh awak pesawat dan penumpangnya beberapa tahun lalu. Komentar dan ulasan beliau mengenai menjamurnya budget airlines dan kurangnya keselamatan penerbangan di Indonesia membuka borok yang selama ini mungkin tidak diketahui masyarakat banyak. Tulisan berikut tidak ada kaitan sama sekali dengan dunia penerbangan, tetapi ada kaitan dengan sumber daya manusia. Saya meminta ijin untuk mengutip postingan obrolan ringan beliau yang saya kira cukup menarik untuk diketahui. Blog Pak Chappy Hakim bisa dibaca di sini.
February 6, 2009
25 Random Things, tagged by Lalita
Here they are in no particular order :
1. I prefer savory over sweet. If I had to choose between potato chips or a bar of chocolate, I would choose chips! ...but there are times that I crave for something sweet, yet I don't really eat sweets all that much. I also like sour taste.
2. I’m not really much a jewelry person. My friends say its odd, but I do not like to wear any jewelry at all. A watch is ok.
3. Gasoline/petrol smell nauseates me.
4. I am an autodidact.
5. I'm not afraid being in the dark room, listening to ghost stories or watching ghost movies but I'm very scared of street crimes esp. purse snatcher on motorbike. They are ruthless people.
6. I am grateful for all the blessings that I have been granted in my life.
7. Two days ago (Feb 4) marks the two year anniversary of Fatso's (my dog) passing. I still cry when I think of that moment.
8. I used to dislike cats until I took Suneo in. For some inexplicable reasons he acts like a dog sometimes. Suneo wags his tail like a dog and comes when he's called or when I talk to him. He also likes to play fetch like Fatso. I believed my dog spirit lives in Suneo.
9. I spoiled Suneo as much as I spoiled my nephew/nieces. He is free to sleep on my bed or anywhere he likes in the house, he can claw things or tear up the furniture and I won't get mad at him. I did the same thing to my late dog, Fatso.
10. I've been attacked and bitten by dogs many years ago, once through the back coz I lied face down and covered my head and once on the hand. I still love dogs as you can tell by Fatso stories but I get nervous around dobberman.
11. I do not fancy roses. I'd preferred daisies.
12. I have 10 moles on my face and body and all in the left side (strange huh?).
13. I always eat my food in order. For example if I eat salad that consists of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and mango or strawberries, I would eat tomato first, follow by cucumber, lettuce then mango/strawberry.
14. I like veggies, herbs etc...except coriander leaves. I just do not like the smell and the taste of it.
15. I love to bake and cook, I find it relaxing.
16. I can’t go a day without eating fruits. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be fresh fruits, any kind except durians!
17. I'm more scared of fire than water (flood). When I was little my parents house almost get burned from the fire that started from a neighbor's house. I'm not a traumatized person but big fire really scares me.
18. I don't listen to music very often or keep up on the new bands/songs.
19. I love traveling but I hate being in the flight or car too long to reach the destination.
20. I do not pray enough or go to the church as much as I used to but I always carry a rosary and a small book prayer on my purse.
21. I can't draw, can't sing, therefore, I take pictures. Photography gives me the means to capture what my eye sees and preserve it to relive and share.
22. I love collecting batiks, cushion covers, bed covers, curtains, crafts. I almost always buy things from crafts expo.
23. Zillions of motorbikes in Jakarta scare the crap out of me when crossing the street.
24. I like being a neat freak. I don't like to let dishes pile up in the sink. I go through my desk, personal things and other stuffs with some regularity, tossing things I haven't used in a long time.
25. I google everything. If I’m going somewhere, get medical prescription , or doing something I haven’t before, I seek information as much as I can about it first.
26. I dearly love the sound of water from the pot fountain that is used for home decoration. It gives a sense of peacefulness.
There you go. Instead of tagging people I'll just leave it open to whoever would like to do it! :)
1. I prefer savory over sweet. If I had to choose between potato chips or a bar of chocolate, I would choose chips! ...but there are times that I crave for something sweet, yet I don't really eat sweets all that much. I also like sour taste.
2. I’m not really much a jewelry person. My friends say its odd, but I do not like to wear any jewelry at all. A watch is ok.
3. Gasoline/petrol smell nauseates me.
4. I am an autodidact.
5. I'm not afraid being in the dark room, listening to ghost stories or watching ghost movies but I'm very scared of street crimes esp. purse snatcher on motorbike. They are ruthless people.
6. I am grateful for all the blessings that I have been granted in my life.
7. Two days ago (Feb 4) marks the two year anniversary of Fatso's (my dog) passing. I still cry when I think of that moment.
8. I used to dislike cats until I took Suneo in. For some inexplicable reasons he acts like a dog sometimes. Suneo wags his tail like a dog and comes when he's called or when I talk to him. He also likes to play fetch like Fatso. I believed my dog spirit lives in Suneo.
9. I spoiled Suneo as much as I spoiled my nephew/nieces. He is free to sleep on my bed or anywhere he likes in the house, he can claw things or tear up the furniture and I won't get mad at him. I did the same thing to my late dog, Fatso.
10. I've been attacked and bitten by dogs many years ago, once through the back coz I lied face down and covered my head and once on the hand. I still love dogs as you can tell by Fatso stories but I get nervous around dobberman.
11. I do not fancy roses. I'd preferred daisies.
12. I have 10 moles on my face and body and all in the left side (strange huh?).
13. I always eat my food in order. For example if I eat salad that consists of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and mango or strawberries, I would eat tomato first, follow by cucumber, lettuce then mango/strawberry.
14. I like veggies, herbs etc...except coriander leaves. I just do not like the smell and the taste of it.
15. I love to bake and cook, I find it relaxing.
16. I can’t go a day without eating fruits. If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be fresh fruits, any kind except durians!
17. I'm more scared of fire than water (flood). When I was little my parents house almost get burned from the fire that started from a neighbor's house. I'm not a traumatized person but big fire really scares me.
18. I don't listen to music very often or keep up on the new bands/songs.
19. I love traveling but I hate being in the flight or car too long to reach the destination.
20. I do not pray enough or go to the church as much as I used to but I always carry a rosary and a small book prayer on my purse.
21. I can't draw, can't sing, therefore, I take pictures. Photography gives me the means to capture what my eye sees and preserve it to relive and share.
22. I love collecting batiks, cushion covers, bed covers, curtains, crafts. I almost always buy things from crafts expo.
23. Zillions of motorbikes in Jakarta scare the crap out of me when crossing the street.
24. I like being a neat freak. I don't like to let dishes pile up in the sink. I go through my desk, personal things and other stuffs with some regularity, tossing things I haven't used in a long time.
25. I google everything. If I’m going somewhere, get medical prescription , or doing something I haven’t before, I seek information as much as I can about it first.
26. I dearly love the sound of water from the pot fountain that is used for home decoration. It gives a sense of peacefulness.
There you go. Instead of tagging people I'll just leave it open to whoever would like to do it! :)
February 4, 2009
Ecky just tagged me with this one that kinda long and personal like filling in a form for applying visa to the foreign embassy :)...so here goes:
001. Real name → Elyani Gunadi
002. Like it? → sort of...
003. Nickname(s)→ Ely, bawel, mak lampir, bibi titi teliti
004. Status → taken
005. Zodiac sign → Pisces
006. Male or female → female
007. Elementary → SD Fransiskus Xaverius Lampung
008. Middle School → SMP Fransiskus Xaverius Lampung
009. High School → SMA Stella Duce Yogyakarta
010. Hair color → black
011. Long or short → medium
012. Eye color → dark brown
013. Weight → 50-51kg
014. Height → 156 cm
015. Righty or lefty → righty
017. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
018. Phone or Camera → Camera for sure!
019. Health freak → absolutely
020. Piercings → ears (when I was a baby) they are not visible now
021. Do you have a crush on someone? → no
022. Eat or Drink → eat and drink (can you eat and not drinking)?
023. Purse or Backpack → purse
024. Tattoos → no way, never for me
025. Do You Like Yourself? → I have to :)
026. Current worry? → a few things, but I'd prefer to keep it for myself
027. Orange or Apple Juice? → freshly made green apples juice (a must)
028. Night or Day? → day
029. Sun or Moon? → both
030. TV or Internet? → internet
031. PlayStation or XBox? → don't play and don't care (not my kind of things)
032. Kiss or Hug? → hug
033. Iguana or Turtle? → turtle, they are cute!
034. Spider or Bee? → both, they are cute in different ways
035. Fall or Spring? → spring
036. Limewire or iTunes? → I'm music clueless!
037. Soccer or Baseball? → soccer, definitely!
038. First surgery → 2005 (endometriosis)
039. First piercing → when I was a baby (against my wish..LOL!)
040. First best friend → Shiu-Shiu from my Junior High School time
041. First Sport → badminton
042. First award → none that I could remember of
043. First crush → an altar boy...forgot his name
044. First pet → my dog, Fatso
045. First big vacation → UK back in 1997
046. First big birthday → I'd never celebrated my birthday
047. Eating → mangosteen (manggis), I can eat 1 kilo at one sitting :)
048. Drinking → water
049. I'm about to → post a photo to Flickr
050. Listening to → nada...I'd prefer quietness
051. Singing → me? I can't bear listening to my false tones :)
052. Typing → I'd prefer typing to writing
053. Waiting for → the rains, I love the sound of the rainfall
054. Want kids? → no, I already have a furry four legged baby (my cat)
055. When? → see above
056. Where Do You Want To Live? → if it is up to my choice, in Indo forever! :)
057. Careers in mind → I would love to have an online handicraft business one day!
058. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? → a journalist, a tour guide
059. Mellow Future Or Wild? → odd question!
060. Something You Would Never Try? → bungee jumping, too scary for me
061. Lips or eyes → eyes
062. Shorter or taller? → taller
063. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous
064. Nice stomach or nice arms → well toned body
065. Sensitive or loud → caring, loving
066. Hook-up or relationship → relationship that begins with a hook up
067. Trouble maker or hesitant → problem solver
068. Hugging or Kissing? → hugging in public, kissing behind the door
069. Tan Skinned or Light? → tanned
070. Dark or Light Hair? → dark
071. Lost glasses/contacts → sometimes
072. Ran away from home → never
073. Held a gun/knife for self defense? → never
074. Killed somebody → not yet...LOL! what kind of question is this?
075. Broken someone's heart → if I did, I might not realize it :)
076. Been arrested → been grounded by the nuns yes, but not got arrested!
077. Cried when someone died → yes
078. Kissed A Stranger? → never
079. Climbed Up A Tree? → when I was a kid, but to no avail..I was a bad tree climber!
080. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? → sure, long time ago
081. Yourself → always
082. Miracles → sometimes
083. Love at first sight → no
084. Heaven → I believe in Hell
085. Santa Claus → when I was a kid
086. Kiss on the first date → first, second, third :)
087. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yes
088. Do You Like Someone? → yeah..my lil nephew, he is cute!
089. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → you only have one life, what's not to happy about it :)
090. Received/Sent Text Message → my sister
091. Received Call → office clients
092. Call Made? → a friend in Bandung
093. Comment On MySpace? → I don't have MySpace account
094. Missed Call? → wrong number
095. Person You Hang out With? → my friends...
001. Real name → Elyani Gunadi
002. Like it? → sort of...
003. Nickname(s)→ Ely, bawel, mak lampir, bibi titi teliti
004. Status → taken
005. Zodiac sign → Pisces
006. Male or female → female
007. Elementary → SD Fransiskus Xaverius Lampung
008. Middle School → SMP Fransiskus Xaverius Lampung
009. High School → SMA Stella Duce Yogyakarta
010. Hair color → black
011. Long or short → medium
012. Eye color → dark brown
013. Weight → 50-51kg
014. Height → 156 cm
015. Righty or lefty → righty
017. Sweats or Jeans → jeans
018. Phone or Camera → Camera for sure!
019. Health freak → absolutely
020. Piercings → ears (when I was a baby) they are not visible now
021. Do you have a crush on someone? → no
022. Eat or Drink → eat and drink (can you eat and not drinking)?
023. Purse or Backpack → purse
024. Tattoos → no way, never for me
025. Do You Like Yourself? → I have to :)
026. Current worry? → a few things, but I'd prefer to keep it for myself
027. Orange or Apple Juice? → freshly made green apples juice (a must)
028. Night or Day? → day
029. Sun or Moon? → both
030. TV or Internet? → internet
031. PlayStation or XBox? → don't play and don't care (not my kind of things)
032. Kiss or Hug? → hug
033. Iguana or Turtle? → turtle, they are cute!
034. Spider or Bee? → both, they are cute in different ways
035. Fall or Spring? → spring
036. Limewire or iTunes? → I'm music clueless!
037. Soccer or Baseball? → soccer, definitely!
038. First surgery → 2005 (endometriosis)
039. First piercing → when I was a baby (against my wish..LOL!)
040. First best friend → Shiu-Shiu from my Junior High School time
041. First Sport → badminton
042. First award → none that I could remember of
043. First crush → an altar boy...forgot his name
044. First pet → my dog, Fatso
045. First big vacation → UK back in 1997
046. First big birthday → I'd never celebrated my birthday
047. Eating → mangosteen (manggis), I can eat 1 kilo at one sitting :)
048. Drinking → water
049. I'm about to → post a photo to Flickr
050. Listening to → nada...I'd prefer quietness
051. Singing → me? I can't bear listening to my false tones :)
052. Typing → I'd prefer typing to writing
053. Waiting for → the rains, I love the sound of the rainfall
054. Want kids? → no, I already have a furry four legged baby (my cat)
055. When? → see above
056. Where Do You Want To Live? → if it is up to my choice, in Indo forever! :)
057. Careers in mind → I would love to have an online handicraft business one day!
058. What Did You Want To Be When You Were Little? → a journalist, a tour guide
059. Mellow Future Or Wild? → odd question!
060. Something You Would Never Try? → bungee jumping, too scary for me
061. Lips or eyes → eyes
062. Shorter or taller? → taller
063. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous
064. Nice stomach or nice arms → well toned body
065. Sensitive or loud → caring, loving
066. Hook-up or relationship → relationship that begins with a hook up
067. Trouble maker or hesitant → problem solver
068. Hugging or Kissing? → hugging in public, kissing behind the door
069. Tan Skinned or Light? → tanned
070. Dark or Light Hair? → dark
071. Lost glasses/contacts → sometimes
072. Ran away from home → never
073. Held a gun/knife for self defense? → never
074. Killed somebody → not yet...LOL! what kind of question is this?
075. Broken someone's heart → if I did, I might not realize it :)
076. Been arrested → been grounded by the nuns yes, but not got arrested!
077. Cried when someone died → yes
078. Kissed A Stranger? → never
079. Climbed Up A Tree? → when I was a kid, but to no avail..I was a bad tree climber!
080. Liked A Friend As More Than A Friend? → sure, long time ago
081. Yourself → always
082. Miracles → sometimes
083. Love at first sight → no
084. Heaven → I believe in Hell
085. Santa Claus → when I was a kid
086. Kiss on the first date → first, second, third :)
087. Is there one person you want to be with right now → yes
088. Do You Like Someone? → yeah..my lil nephew, he is cute!
089. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life → you only have one life, what's not to happy about it :)
090. Received/Sent Text Message → my sister
091. Received Call → office clients
092. Call Made? → a friend in Bandung
093. Comment On MySpace? → I don't have MySpace account
094. Missed Call? → wrong number
095. Person You Hang out With? → my friends...
February 2, 2009
Lower back pain
I am experiencing lower back pain the last few days. The pain that I am having is in the middle of my lower back, pretty close to the tail bone especially after I sit or stand for a while. It didn't stop me from doing my activity but it ached on prolonged sitting to standing. I don’t know what is causing me this pain but I was wondering could it be from the surgery last year? Is it because I started moving and being too active too soon after the surgery, it's from lack of calcium, or am I just shrinking? My pain isn’t disabling but it is uncomfortable. So I bought several calcium supplements, and promised myself that I will try walking/exercising more tomorrow. Hopefully this combo is the right cure for my problem.
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