One thing we can all agree on, babies (kittens and puppies are babies too) are cute, adorable and fun to watch whether they’re playing or sleeping. Check out the wonderful pictures in the Daily Mail that show kittens and babies can be a purr-fect doubles! *images credit of the Daily Mail
Wah hebat........dari mana tuh dapat photo2 itu ?
Lucu-lucu bangetttt, nggemesin semuanya, jadi pengin nyubit!
hihii lucu2 ...kucingnya....
oh how cute!!!! would love to take photos of my kids like these hehehe
cuuuuute banget foto2nya. ih gemes banget deh.
makasih elyani atas ucapan lebarannya. mohon maaf lahir batin. indah sekali petuah2nya. makasih sekali lagi.
animals and babies do look alike indeed! they are both cute in their own way.
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