May 27, 2009

Neko loves the camera more than Suneo

Ever since I owned my first digital camera I spent a lot of times taking photographs of my late dog, Fatso. But it is not always easy to hold them in position. Suneo for example, whenever I started taking his pictures he will walk away or runs toward the camera. I think Suneo sees the lens as one big eye looking at him that`s why he doesn`t like them! I have better luck (sometimes) taking photos while Suneo is distracted or when he is about to fall asleep.

Neko, on the other hand is an easy target and doesn't mind having her picture taken.
She cooperates, she does not look away as long as she feels relaxed and you be very very quiet when you take her pictures. My experience photographing animal is using a zoom lens, be patience and try to use the natural light (no flash). Here are some recent shots of Suneo and Neko. Enjoy!


Fun said...

wuah lucunya si Neko... kayak model saja.. :)

sima said...

kontras sekali ya antara suneo dan neko. tapi keduanya lucu dan menggemaskan. suneo itu keliatan bandel.. sekali, sedangkan neko lebih "keibuan" hehehe..

therry said...

Wow... Neko is really purdy! Or is it the photographer who makes her so purdy? ;)

m i S S i S S m a said...

waaaa....Suneo looks a bit pompous... =p
while Neko looks elegant with her beautiful furs...yes, Neko ngga neko-neko...hehehe

Toni said...

El, bagaimana Suneo sudah betah di sana ? Ternyata kalau diperhatikan di foto2 di atas, gak kalah tuh village cat from Indonesia compare to Neko ya :D

rima fauzi said...

waaaaaaaaah lucu bgt!!! Pengen aku gigitttt!!!!

boy said...

wah...fotonya bagus banget...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! Samba is also camera friendly, while Atun is so shy.

Elyani said...

@Fun: Neko memang banci kamera :)
@Sima: kalau ada obat buat ngatasin nakalnya Suneo mau deh beli! :)
@Therry: Neko is a real stunner, the photographer just takes pictures :)
@MissIsma: thanks for visiting my blog. Suneo is not that bad :)
@Toni: kucing kampung tapi rejeki kota kan Ton?
@Rima: gigit Neko aja enak empuk!\
@Boy & Parvita : thanks!