One of the joys of living in Canada is there are plenty of excellent trails available for outdoor enthusiasts where you can enjoy the fresh breeze, the quiet moment, being as close to and with nature as one can be. One of the nearest trail from my place is Rogers Creek Park, a 4 kilometers long trails with the beautiful scenery and cool air. I love nature walks because it is relaxing, it gives me a chance to explore the landscape around me, a cheap workout for my body and an activity that everyone can enjoy. In most nature parks here you are also welcome to bring your dog with you as long as they are on leash. What I like most about the trails here is they are very easy to follow, the markers is easy to read, it is well maintained and there are not any trash at all. They also keep the area in great shape for walking/hiking and maintain informative signs like you should leave the area if the wind blows too hard as some of the trees might fall to the ground. They really encourage visitors to be responsible, something that we in Indonesia should learn about. Here is pictures of the trails from Rogers Creek Park, hope you all enjoy them as much as I do.
El, yang ini baru bikin ngiri. Sebenarnya gue seneng olah raga jalan, apalagi kalau melihat foto2nya, indah bener. Terakhir jalan cuma di Cibodas Puncak, jauh dan macet pula. Ditunggu kabar berikut ttg Kanada.
@Toni: emang bikin iri Ton, pengunjung park betul2 ikut menjaga kelestarian alam disini dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan, tidak ada bau pesing karena orang pipis dipohon atau sepanjang trails. Coba kalau di Indonesia kita bisa seperti ini ya!
Hiks... jadi inget waktu masih tinggal di Jerman, naik sepeda ke/dari kantor menerobos hutan kayak gini. Tukeran yuuukkk (secara gw dah dapet PR Canada tapi ga dipake sama sekali sampai hangus hehehe)
El, yang ini baru bikin ngiri. Sebenarnya gue seneng olah raga jalan, apalagi kalau melihat foto2nya, indah bener. Terakhir jalan cuma di Cibodas Puncak, jauh dan macet pula. Ditunggu kabar berikut ttg Kanada.
@Toni: emang bikin iri Ton, pengunjung park betul2 ikut menjaga kelestarian alam disini dengan tidak membuang sampah sembarangan, tidak ada bau pesing karena orang pipis dipohon atau sepanjang trails. Coba kalau di Indonesia kita bisa seperti ini ya!
wuaaah bener2 alami banget yaak ci...
WAHHHHH... saya juga demen nihhh keteempat beginian...pasti bersih banget udaranya..seger.... ada apa lagi di canada ndoro???
Ely, asyik banget tuh tempatnya.. paling suka kalo ngeliat yg ijo2 kayak gitu.
Hiks... jadi inget waktu masih tinggal di Jerman, naik sepeda ke/dari kantor menerobos hutan kayak gini. Tukeran yuuukkk (secara gw dah dapet PR Canada tapi ga dipake sama sekali sampai hangus hehehe)
hey elyaniii!!! wowww that is such a beautiful place! am back to blogging now! and your photos are amazing! very inspiring indeed!
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