Suneo is a busy body cat. When I prepared a set up to take the strawberry picture, he jumped up on the desk. He loves to know what is going on and what I am doing, he has to see/smell everything that is new to him like sniffing the strawberries. In this picture he fell asleep after getting bored seeing me taking different angle of the strawberry pictures...hehehe!
Oh I love strawberry! Waa jadi pengen nih..
Cool shot, g/f! Suneo made this shot very interesting!
Yep, practice makes perfect!
wow...that's a beautiful pic you have there El
Does Suneo like strawberries? Now that's a first for a cat...
ya ampuuunn.. tuh foto keren amat ci.. ck..ck... :) berasa cakepnya deh kalo difoto ama ci elyani :)
Suneooooo .. yuuk bagi berdua ama Andy Strawberry-nya,he he. Keren Fotonya El..
@Nanayoftwo: thanks Fe, the next thing I have yet to learn is to take a good 'bokeh' pics like yours :)
@Ecky: sama...aku bisa makan strawberry semangkuk besar, abis doyan sih!
@Finally-woken: nah, he does not eat strawberry..he just like to disturb my setting whenever I want to take pictures.
@Ivy, Fun & Judith: thanks, Suneo memang banci kamera nih. Selalu hadir dimana saja :)
Micah also loves strawberries... LOL
Suneo is a cutie! He's gorgeous :)
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