We chatted by the pool about camera, food, and current events. One of them is Anita shocking experience with an arrogant motorist who was so furious when the taxi that Anita and Stuart took, cut into the lane of the idiot's car (it is common here in Indonesia). Soon when the taxi reached at certain point, the snob motorist pulled out the gun to scare the taxi driver off. But thanked God the taxi driver chose to ignore the provocation. This story reminded me with a similar incident that created a headline just a couple of weeks ago where a certain idiot from govt. institution threatened another motorist with a gun on a busy road. Now gun possession is not a status symbol for criminals only but a number of irresponsible people misuse and abuse them too.
About an hour later Ecky showed up and soon Toni was busy with his camera again. All-natural girl Ecky is a natural in front of the camera. And Toni is a wizard behind it.
senangnya kopdar... :)
you look great, elyani.
i haven't really agreed on meeting anyone from the blogosphere because for one thing, in the US, blogging isn't as popular as in asian countries and when i go home to the Philippines, i am always short of time to meet up my blogger friends.
With three gorgeous women to photograph, I bet Toni was having a blast taking as many pics as possible!!
wah, beruntungnya..
you all look great!!
Nice weather, chatting by the pool with blogfriends, what more could you ask?
@Therry : You got it right.
@Rima : Not all, the guy is like "Pangeran Kodok" among the Princess, lol.
Thanks for all the giggling and most of all the friendship to all of you. I posted some of their pictures as well in my blog. Check it out.
have to agree with therry on this! You all guys look so great!
Waaa aku keliatan cantik disini thanks to Toni loh hihihi...
Funny how we feel like old friends ya with all the giggling :)
@Sima: bulan Juli & Agustus aku kopdar melulu nih :)
@Belle: thanks Belle, I hope we can meet up in person one day.
@Therry: we missed you there, hope you can make it next time.
@koko: iya beruntung saling kenal di blogosphere :)
@Rima, Lorraine, Ivy: it would be nice to meet you guys in person too . Jadi kapan nih Rima dan Lorraine balik ke Jakarta?
@Ecky: pakai kamera apa saja Ecky pasti kelihatan cantik, bener lho!
The first shot is just gorgeous. Who took it? It’s really special when people you met in blogsphere actually become your real friends, isn’t it? I haven’t met anyone yet, very hopeful to meet someone soon.
wuahhh dah lama ga liat foto mba elyani yaak.. :)
kapan kita kopdaran mba? :)
wow....nice and warm chemistry of frienship yah. Berasa banget dari baca postingan ini.
@Hank : it was indeed a pleasure and an honor to meet these wonderful people offline :)
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