Type A:
While outwardly calm, they have such high standards (perfectionists) that they tend to be balls of nerves on the inside. Type A’s are the most artistic of the blood groups. They can be shy, are conscientious, trustworthy, and sensitive.
Best Traits: Conservative, introverted, reserved, patient and punctual. Perfectionists.
Worst Traits: Obsessive, stubborn, self conscious and uptight.
Famous As: George H. W. Bush, O.J. Simpson,Adolf Hitler, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard Nixon.
Blood type A’s tend to have more sensitive constitutions. Too much stress weakens their immunity more quickly than other blood types. Low stomach acid is common among blood type A’s even from birth, so special care should be taken when eating animal proteins.
Type B:
Goal oriented and strong minded, type B’s will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. Type B’s are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life.
Best Traits: Creative, passionate, animal loving, optimistic, flexible and individualistic.
Worst Traits: Forgetful, irresponsible, and self-centered.
Famous Bs: Akira Kurosawa, Jack Nicholson, Luciano Pavarotti, Tom Selleck, Mia Farrow, Paul McCartney, Leonardo DiCaprio.
Blood type B individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like A’s and yet ambitious like O’s. They are empathetic, easily understanding others’ points of view, yet often hesitating to challenge or confront. Chameleon-like and flexible, they make good friends.
Type AB:
Type AB’s are the split personalities of the blood groups. They can be both outgoing and shy, confident and timid. While responsible, too much responsibility will cause a problem. They are trustworthy and like to help others.
Best Traits: Cool, controlled, rational, introverted and empathic.
Worst Traits: Aloof, critical, indecisive and unforgiving.
Famous ABs: John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Mick Jagger, Thomas Edison.
Blood Type AB - Tend to be very charming and popular. They don’t sweat the small stuff and can be seen as spiritual and even at times a bit “flaky”. Only about 2 - 5% of the population are blood type AB. There is never a dull moment in a AB’s life, so if you find one for a friend, consider yourself lucky! Youll enjoy some exciting times together! But like blood type A’s, AB’s react to stress poorly. They are stronger and more active than type A’s, but need to pay attention to stress levels so that they don’t compromise their immunity.
Type O:
Type O’s are outgoing, and very social. They are initiators, although they don’t always finish what they start. Creative and popular, they love to be the center of attention and appear very self confident.
Best Traits: Ambitious, athletic, robust and self-confident. Natural leaders.
Worst Traits: Arrogant, vain, insensitive and ruthless.
Famous Os: Al Capone, Gerald Ford, Mikhail Gorbachev, John Gotti, Queen Elizabeth II, John Lennon, Paul Newman, Elvis Presley, Ronald Reagan.
Blood Type O - Tend to be loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. They handle stress better than other blood types and have strong immune systems, a well developed physique and a physically active nature. Blood type O’s tend to have sluggish blood flow and feel better with vigorous exercise for about an hour each day.
What's your blood type? Do you believe that blood types can tell what a person's personality is?
I'm B.....
type B....
Mine is B+ , mean I am "Goal oriented and strong minded, type B’s will start a task and continue it until completed, and completed well. Type B’s are the individualists of the blood group categories and find their own way in life."????
Cihuyyyyy then, hehehehe :)
I have no idea what my blood type is. will have to check with my GP..
Mine's an O.
O for Orga... no, no will not go there :P
The description is somewhat true, apart from the "very active" bit - I'm nowhere near active. I am sluggish, a lazy bum and I will avoid sports at any costs. Really :P
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