I've known Toni for a good while from blog-hopping several months ago. His passion for design and photography, combined with his love for the outdoors allows him a unique capacity for visual adventure storytelling. I’ve read dozens of his blog entries talking about gender equality and human development, traveling tips, his passion for photography and sharing his experiences. Aside from photography his other passions include coffee, wine and cooking.

Right from the start we found each other talked easily like an old friends. I don’t know if it is the fact that we’re both talkers, or just that we had a lot to say, but the conversation was constant and really fun. We discussed a lot about women issues, Indonesian literatures, street foods and old buildings in Bandung, I just kept hoping that I wouldn’t make a complete fool of myself, or spill the coffee on my shirt, LOL! I also learned a lot of tips and tricks about photography, although am a bit on the slow side when it comes to practice it. But thanks to Toni, my camera really feels like a part of me now. Everything is becoming second nature and I couldn't be happier! It’s so nice to be acquainted with someone who is so humble and down to earth but it’s even better having him as a friend. If you want to talk and learn about photography, Toni is where you go. Thanks for your friendship, Toni.
**The building sketch was drawn by Toni's daughter as you can see on Toni's flickr.
hey elyani, i'm landing in jkt on sat. and was just wondering if u could pass on some suggestions for good camera stores? am always on the hunt for a bargain ;)
Can I be your friend too???.... hehehe... But I'm nobody, and I don't know anything about photography.. , but I do care about women and children as well :)
Saya benar2 kagum baca ttg anda dari mbak Elyani... (asal gak disogok sebelumnya biar nulis bagus2 kek gini khan???... *melet* )
BE BLESSED!!! for both of you. :D
Duuuh El,
Jadi malu nih ...
My deepest appreciation for this posting. Itu saja, karena terlalu overwhelmed.
@Silly : Thank you. You can be our friend too. Kapan2 kita kopdar bareng ya sama Elyani.
mas toni, silly, elyani.. mau ikuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt!!!!!!!!
Ohhh gini toh mukanya si om Toneh!! Bener ya kata Elyani... ternyata ngguanteng! :D
@John: 1. JPC Kemang in Jalan Kemang Raya. They are a big shop with a wide variety of digital camera, lenses and accessories such as bags, tripods and ballheads. English speaking and very helpful staffs although not all knowledgeable, will let you play with the equipment. Fixed price.
2. There is a camera store on the same street, Oktagon Kemang in Jalan Kemang Raya no 1 (Hotel kemang ICON) tel: 7192757. I bought my Canon 450D from the store in Jalan Gunung Sahari (main office) and was very happy with the service. Fixed price.
3. Focus Nusantara in Jalan KH. Hasyim Ashari no. 18 Jakarta Pusat, tel : 6339002. Fixed Price.
4. If you go for Nikon, you can visit their biggest dealer at Kotaraya Camera Store in Jalan Pinangsia Raya, Lantai Dasar (ground floor) no. 70-71, tel : 6230 2697 or Mall Mangga Dua Lantai Dasar no. 6, tel : 6230 1190. No website. I've never been here but I heard you can often bargain with them to get a better price, usually cheaper (just a little bit) than their officially listed prices.
A word of caution, if you pay by credit card they will charge you 3% of the total purchase. But if you pay cash, you dont need to pay anything extra. All prices at the website or the stores are tax included pricing.
Happy shopping :)
@Silly: gak pakai acara bribery lah, emangnya anak buah Jaksa Urip (hihihi...awas disadap lho pembicaraan ini). Toni orangnya memang betul2 rendah hati dan tidak sombong. Kalau gak percaya, silahkan kopdar sama belio.
@Toni: tuh sudah tambah banyak aza penggemarnya :)
@Rima : hayuk...kapan kita bisa kumpul bareng2?
@Therry: aslinya memang ganteng Ther, sayang udah ada yg punya..hehehe!
Ini teh TONI? TONI WAHID? Kang Toni? Euleh..euleuh... dah sukses ya si Akang sekarang.. Wah.. gak nyangka, padahal dulu suka main di gang belakang st.munigar. Akang, kumaha? Damang? Abah gimana? Kapan kita ketemuan lagi yak? Makan ayam goreng deket SD lagi yuk? Duh.. jadi kangen pulang kampung.. :p
This is a well written compliment you can do for someone like Toni. It comes also sincerely from your heart.
Ketemuan terus ya, selamat berhunting lokasi untuk foto2nya El. Sering2 diup load disini ya...
agree with therry! that guy has charisma...
wow...you are on your way to becoming a pro el! Way to go! Post more pics...
what a nice guy... it's good to know him. we'd live in a better world with more people like toni and you. :)
hey thx elyani! i tried to go to the pinangsiah store, but the taxi driver didn know where it was... i think i'll try mangga dua today!! :)
@John: of course the taxi driver won't know if you asked him to take you to "pinangsiah store" :) The name of the store is KOTA RAYA and it is located in Jalan Pinangsia (near Glodok (the China town area famous for all the eletrical and electronic products). If you need further more information please feel free to email me at elyani.gunadi@gmail.com
@Lorraine: thanks, Toni memang orangnya menyenangkan. Enak buat diajak ngobrol, curhat dan gak pelit sama ilmu fotografinya.
@Ivy: kalau ketemu langsung sama orangnya, lebih berasa deh auranya..hehehe, Toni jadi deg-deg an nih :)
@Sima : kapan kita kopdar bareng? sibuk terus sih Sima :)
Saya kenal Toni lewat tulisannya dan tulisan Elyani...ternyata mengagumkan ya?
@treestyara: makasih ya sudah mampir ke blog-ku :)
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