I have been on the semi raw food diet for two weeks now. I am not looking to lose weight but am trying to ease the persistent painful period that I have been suffering for many years. The basic principle of the diet is to eat a high proportion of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and seeds. Food that contain starch such as bread, rice, wheat, pasta and potatoes - should be avoided, as should meat and most dairy products.
Well, I haven't gone "totally raw" yet but am transitioning into it rather slightly. So far, I have been successful to just eat veggies (Indonesian cooked veggies, not salads) without rice. My side dish would consist of either tofu, tempeh or white fish. I'm also still having 2 or 3 slice of wholemeal bread for breakfast in the morning with jam or peanut butter. My lunch is still cooked but I hope to change that slowly. On the weight loss front, I haven't lost much weight. My weight now is around 49-50 kg (I am 5' 2"). Well, I'm not worried, at least I haven't gained any weight. Of course, when I walked past the food court or cake shops, I wish I could have some but I reminded myself that I must have my appetite under control. Whenever I’d have a “weak” moment, I would eat a few slice of tomatoes and cucumbers. Aside from eating raw I too get these kind of 'cravings' to get up early and go outside for a morning walk which has become my daily routine now.
you are on the right track, my friend and if you continue/stick with this diet, your monthly suffering may go away because raw food nourishes our body and help rebuild our immune system so we'll be able to attack various diseases.
have you heard about Dr Lorraine Day? google search her name and it will lead you to her site. it might be helpful to your friend who has a cancer.
@Belle : thank you...I have just visited her website. I agree to some of her 10 commandment but I am sorry to say I do not believe her barley “dietary supplements” can cure everything, as she claimed. I also do not like someone who sells supplements mixed up with religious sentiment regardless her "MD" title. Thanks anyway for the info :)
"Whenever I’d have a “weak” moment, I would eat a few slice of tomatoes and cucumbers. "
You're very strong willed! If I were you I'd have given up the minute I walk pass a batagor stall lol ...
Damn. I really have to lose weight.
good for you....
sometimes i eat raw food, but ... oh.. i must admit that sometimes i still eat unhealthy food. :(
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