Have you ever been lost when you were in an unfamiliar place? I can honestly say, I have gotten lost more times than I would care to admit. There's been a couple of times I've thought I was in one place I knew until the evidence mounted that I was in another. Needless to say, I get lost easily. I eventually find my way, but I ended up walking pretty much all over the place before realizing I'm heading the wrong way and then I turn around. I'm not dumb, but I think I am lacking the portion of the brain that holds a sense of direction. I do not understand the concept of north, south, east or west. I was more comfortable with words like 'left' and 'right' or looking for certain landmarks. I'd never remembered my sister's place each time I visited her in Singapore. I needed a few days to get used to the route before I get lost again...LOL!

My youngest sister - on the other hand, she has a good spatial abilities and excellent sense of direction. She will always know where the starting point is. I envied her skill, and a little mad that she inherits that gene from my late dad. In my case, it came from my late mom.
So, are you good / bad with directions? do you think people have a natural ability rather than a practical skill when it comes to navigating? Are there ways a person could improve their sense of direction?
wuah kalo aku mah pelupa... kalo aku ditinggal di diorama, dipastikan aku bakal tersesat hahaha :) bukan tipe yang suka mengingat petunjuk jalan.. :)
Walk from Berkeley to Claremont for many miles as I got separated from my friends. Lost again in downtown SF and ask very nice local police officer who curious whether I know the way back after his many attempts to explain the routes. Uncountable lost in Jakarta of course, bad luck it happened with my boss from US. I'm a brain dead for memorizing endless streets here and anywhere indeed. Happy Sunday.
eh, kok sama ya.. aku jg paling payah tuh sense of direction-nya..
malahan pernah bingung celingukan nyari mobil di parkiran... :(
I think my sense of direction is aaaaaaaaaaight. At least it's a bit better than my beau hehehe ....
Hmm last week (or was it 2 weeks a go), even though with 1 map open and 2 other maps in the handbag, I - very confidently - turned at Oxford Circus London and walked like a mile, and finally stopped at the bakery shop to buy pastry and water, casually asked if Bond Street tube station is nearby, and the staff said, "You're heading to the opposite direction. Tube station is on that way!", pointing at my backside. PS: had done it 3 times right so 4th time wasn't a charm *lol.
Well Good Lord, I am so happy to see I'm not the only one with this problem...but getting lost is fun sometimes :)
elyani, am poor with direction, too. i usually go the opposite, that is why i must carry a map if i have to drive alone.
ironically though, i earn a living driving and get often asked for directions.
@Belle: at least you can drive and learn about the streets more. If it was me, I may have to get a guide dog as my navigator :)
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