Nobody likes to wait. Waiting in line at the bank or grocery store, waiting for a flight that has been delayed, waiting in line to get through the immigration, waiting at the doctor's office for two hours while the doctor saw you only like ten minutes, waiting for the traffic light to change
(waiting in Jakarta heavy traffic surely doesn't qualify as good times...LOL!) , waiting for the electricity to come back on when PLN suddenly shut the power, waiting when is that darn potholes all over Jakarta streets going to be repaired!?! But I think the most discomfort thing of all is waiting in line to get into the public restroom with your bladder about to explode, wishing the person inside the cubicle to pee faster.
I am not an impatient person but waiting can be excruciatingly frustrating, esp. the waiting in a bathroom line. So, are you good at waiting or are you impatient? What's the longest you waited in line for something?
I am worst for both. Waiting is trully a test of our patience. I hate waiting El, and so many times during my travel I trapped in the situation when I have to wait for more than 6-10 hours even sleep at the airport.
Toni would have a lot to tell, I bet!
I guess my worst waiting experience is being stuck in traffic that only moves a short distance every ten seconds - it's a pain in the ass, and it's killing my left knee because I had to keep shifting from first to second gear whilst balancing the biting point. Not to mention the assholes who try to take over my line out of nowhere.
It's even worse queueing out of the freeway gate - there are always, always assholes who try to pin you because instead of queueing nicely like everyone else, they decide to go all the way up to the limit where the road narrows down and when it's supposed to be only two cars queueing, there will be three or four, thanks to them!!
Paling nyebelin pas udah lamaan tinggal di LN trus mesti antri toilet di Indo..gaya antrinya ternyata beda..
Umumnya antri kan ya urut lah yaw, on a line...ini pernah kejadian aku ngantri di toilet mall Taman Anggrek..yg ke toilet pdhal wanita2 keren loh..aku dah antri sesuai urutan..ternyata mereka tuh antri di dpn cubicle masing2 loh..udah gitu aku ga nyadar kalo cubicle yg paling ujung itu ga ada org yg antri di dpnnya..sementara aku ngantri di deket pintu keluar..trus setelah aku berdiri bbrp saat, ada ibu2 yg nyelonong aja masuk dan antri di dpn cubicle paling ujung...
sampe terbengong2 loh..sempet protes, tp ibu2 itu lgs marah dia bela diri katanya dia antri di tempat yg bener...
Alamak...model apa seh antri begini ini? Kesellllll banget...
yup... ibu2 berkelas yang tidak punya kelas!! paling nyebelin emang kalo ketemu yang kaya gitu. Sistem teratur dan beradab gak berlaku di Indonesia - kadang kita harus pake cara barbar kaya mereka juga. Makanya gue kalo ngantri di toilet umum sampe berdiri di depan pintunya daripada diserobot orang! Learnt my lesson, hahahaha!
I hate if people turn up late for a meeting. For 3 years I was a project manager for one multinational bank and never even once they turned up on time. Up until the point I gave up, and I remember I sent text to them saying I'd be in coffee shop and NOT in a meeting room until they showed up... 2 hours later. Macet, they said (and I worked in the next building to them and managed to get to project site on time?). There was one time we planned to drive to Bandung, I was ready in their office since 6 AM because they said the meeting was 8 AM and they would want to go together with me in my car. We left Jakarta at 11AM....
I don't mind so much with airport, I'm equipped with books, magazines, ipod, laptop, and sometimes a companion who I can talk to. Having said that, I never have to wait for 6-10 hours like Toni...
"There was one time we planned to drive to Bandung, I was ready in their office since 6 AM because they said the meeting was 8 AM and they would want to go together with me in my car. We left Jakarta at 11AM...."
Oh my God, that is SO typical of Indo fashion to be that late. LOL
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