Today marks 1 week and 2 days since my surgery, and I am back to a full normal life again. The surgery (I have had a partial/subtotal hysterectomy keeping my ovaries and cervix intact) went well. My uterus turns out was much bigger than the ultrasound indicated. It measured about one large adult fist size with leiomyoma and adenomyosis which have been the sources of my pain all this while. Because of that, my gyno doctor put me on 3 months of treatment with Danazol so any remaining endo that is probably still left behind can be eliminated. The downside of hormones pill is weight gain as my hormones will be all out of whack. Well, I don't really think it matters too much, I can increase my exercise and continuing my healthy diet.
Recovery has been a smooth process for me. My abdomen bulges around incision is diminishing everyday. I had my op on a Saturday morning (May 17), by 9pm or so I was out of bed and walking up and down the hospital hall ways, and home on Tuesday morning (May 20). I've been up for a walk each day since then. In fact I have been going to the mall, went to the bank, went to see the gyno doctor to collect my Pathology report on Saturday (May 24), visiting my sister in Bogor yesterday. All in all I am feeling great, much better than I would have expected. I still get those twinges every now and then on my belly but not so bad, my incision is healing well, my energy level is good, I look forward to doing more, but I know I shouldn't push it too much. I’m glad that one month prior to surgery I devoted myself in getting to the morning walk as much as I did, had a strict veggies and fruits diet plan ... it was a huge benefit in getting myself up and in and out of bed as my physical condition is on top form. Pain is nonexistent except I notice that I have been resting and sleeping a lot and retire to bed earlier lately...LOL!
I forgot to mention — I feel really good. I think it was a good decision to have this surgery. I am waiting for the day when I would be pain free and am hoping for everyday to feel better.
Welcome back sista! Glad you're doing well!
If you feel better then you must have made a good decision, besides, enduring such pain for each month of the years of your life is warcrime! Definitely not worth keeping for.
I envy you for being so healthy! I guess this must be some sort of a wake up call for me and every woman out there - to take care of our bodies as well as what we put inside (healthy food and drink etc.) instead of being ignorant and paying the price later on when things are too late (being old and with serious sickness).
My mother has just recently turned a vegetarian. I wonder whether I should follow her steps.
But I really love Pizza Hut's Super Supreme!!! Hmmmmh...
Welcome back Elyani, hope you feel so much better now. xxx
wuaaah welcome back mbak.. moga cepat sembuh yak.. :) ditunggu postingan2 kerennya.. :) btw minta alamatnya neh Mba.. soalnya kan masi ngutang hadiah :)
welcome back! i am glad that surgery went well and that you are doing well. too bad, G is not there with you to care for you.
hi Ely.
wah senang sekali bacanya. syukur semuanya berjalan baik, bahkan lebih baik malah.. :)
memutuskan untuk operasi memang bukan sesuatu yang mudah, perlu keberanian. selamat ...
ntar kita rayakan ya sambil makan pepes ikan dan lalapan :)
Glad that you're doing well El, welcome back again. Understand that the readers of this witty blog have been waiting such wonderful news.
Again, thank you all for the well-wishes!!! I am just so happy to be pain free, at last!
Praise God! He is a healer El..
so glad all went well...
glad to hear it went well. take care of urself! :)
John, once again thank you from the bottom of my heart.
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