Hi everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that I will be away from your computer screen for a week or two, spend the next few days in hospital bed. Yes, I'm scheduled for a hysterectomy surgery tomorrow, May 17. My gyno doctor and I have decided that surgery is my best option for treating my adenomyosis
(internal endometriosis) problem and the chronic abdominal pain that I've lived for many years. It really has starting to have a huge impact on my daily activity. Now that having my own kids are not on my agenda
(I am happy with my 2 nieces and 1 nephew that I love so much), I really don't see why I should carry on feeling this way. Even though it isn't fun to have surgery
(this is my second surgery and hope it will be the last), I want to say that the nurses and gyno doctor I encountered in the hospital were all nice to me. I think that helps a bit. I'm hoping that all will be well! Fingers crossed. I'll be back home on Tuesday, May 20, but I may not be able to post for in a week or so. Thank you for visiting my blog :)
Dear El. I've been in surgery room before, so I know the feeling and sensation. Hope everything well during the procedure. Looking forward to reading your next posting after your recovery.
will pray for you dear E. hope after this surgery, you will be pain free.
take care!
Hope everything will be going on well El..God bless!
Pray for you...
Dear Elyani, hope everything goes well with the surgery. Pick a cute doctor, that helps *wink
I think it's a good decision El! Hope it will go well and that you'll be back in the blogosphere scene - XXOXX
Moga selamat menjalankan operasi yeaa....mat doakan moga elyani segera sembuh....
semoga semuanya berjalan lancar ya..
cepat pulih dan sembuh..
Elyani,cepat sembuh ya dan banyak2 istirahat.Moga Operasimu berjalan lancar.GBU ...
El,cepat sembuh dan ber-aktifitas seperti sediakala + update your blog :)
best of luck! now get on ur bike, need more blog posts to read ;)
wuah aku balik2 ke sini dapet postingan begini..
didoakan mbak semoga cepet sembuh yak biar bisa balik ngeblog lage :)
cepet sembuh ya el :)
G/f, hope the surgery went well.
Here's for a speedy recovery!
Take care!
Thanks everyone for your support, again and always.
Hi El, just read your blog.. Hope everything will be alright ya
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