Today I decided to say hi to whoever dropping by my place. To all my Muslim friends, I am wishing everyone Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, mohon maaf lahir dan batin! Hope you enjoy the warmth of the Lebaran spirit as you visit friends and relatives. And here is the Chocolate Hazelnut Biscotti that I made last night. It was fairly easy to make, not too sweet, crisp, and you can enjoy them alone or as a treat with coffee or tea. I would most definitely recommend this recipe to anybody who likes biscotti.
Pengumuman buat semua : Biscotti-nya Elyani top marktob ... gak kalah dengan yang di cafe.
El, fotonya layak dapat bintang :)
hope all is well with you my friend. please take care.
memang Ely jago! aku juga pernah nyobain kuenya. enak... :)
Bisa diimport ke Scotland gak ya? Pas tuh buat teman ngopi, mumpung lagi dingin-dinginnya di sini.
Looks GOOD!!!
duh.. mau dong.. yummmmmmmmmmm
Kalo scotland import, boleh dong mampirin di brussel.. lol
Fotonya keren El .. pingin deh aku punya camera canggih gitu. Ampe sekarang aku masih pake camera Hp hiks ..
El suka Biscotti juga ya :D
@Toni: duh jadi malu nih, padahal cuma baker amatiran hehehe!
@Sima: kapan kita ketemuan ya biar bisa aku bikinin kue? :)
@Anita & Rima: kalo deket pasti dikirimin deh :)
@Judith: tabungan bucil kan dah cukup buat beli SLR :) Iya Dith aku suka biscotti, terutama bikinan sendiri..hehehe!
Oh that biscotti looks fantastic. Mauuuuuuuuu....sayang gak bisa baking, ato tepatnya "malas" baking hehehe
Ooo biscotti..i love them! thank you for sharing your recipes! I will try them too! have a great weekend!
@the writer: malas berarti bisa..hehehe!
@meowie: you will love it, let me know when you try the recipe :)
iya fotonya keren El..jd pengin nyoba bikin biscotti juga nih...nyontek ya El..
@Lidia: monggo jeng, silahkan dicopy. Menurutku sih enak karena aku gak suka manis.
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