When I look at this curvaceous Fanta bottle, I looked at the mirror and realized that I am by no means skinny, but by no means am I curvy. I am just fit and healthy and have muscles to prove it...LOL! Having a body like JLo, Kim Kardhasian or Salma Hayek, is definitely a dream of every woman. They have a prominent hips, an actual butt, with the ample but not over-sized breasts. But unfortunately nature didn't create us with cookie cutter bodies. Some girls are born to be curvy and some are born to be slim and slender. Some women suit being slim and others curvy, its just how we're all made I guess. I think we all have to love our body how it is, curvy, slender or skinny. After all beauty on the inside is what counts not the outside. Having said that staying in shape is a whole lot better than being out of shape. The best thing to do is just work out on a daily basis, eat right, and stick to it. Once you get into a routine it should be much easier, and you will see the benefits of your hard work.
Now the questions am going to ask you is :
Are you happy with your body shape? Are you careful about what you eat? Do you take any vitamin/mineral supplements?Have a great weekend everyone!
pinginnya lebih tinggi, perut lebih tipis, rambut yg lebat dan dada utuh. tapi ya gpplah... biarpun seperti ini aku tetap merasa comfortable dengan diriku sendiri...
jadi jawabannnya: yes i am happy with my body shape.
soal makan, ya ati2lah, diet perlu, tapi ga ketat 100%. Ga minum vitamin dan teman2nya, tapi berusaha banyak2 makan sayur dan buah.
I'm pretty much happy with I have. Would love to have smaller hips (too much curves) that enables me to wear skinny jeans without having to pair it with bulky boots, and bigger boobs, naturally - I suppose all women feel the same?
As for my height. I wish I was taller. Although I'm 170 cm, it's still freakin' difficult to find a pair of pants here.
i hate my body. nuff said.
mbak, u have a gorgeous body, at least that's what i heard. and most women do not want bodies like jlo/kim kardashan/salma hayek. they are fat by today's standards.
i would love to have a body like that, but that's coming from me, a fatty.. lol
Next time I look at a bottle of fanta I guess I will be looking at it in a slightly different way as I try and work out whose body it resembles :D
i'm okay with my body except my tummy lol...
@Sima: aku juga kepengen lebih tinggi kayak dua adik perempuanku, tapi apa daya umur sudah tidak memungkinkan buat ninggi`in badan :)
Moga2 Sima sehat2 selalu ya!
@the writer: Va, I think skinny jeans make your legs look longer. If I am as tall as you are I will have a confidence in wearing them.
@Rima : I guess it depends on who's looking. I think that curvy looks better :)
@Rob: LOL...and that would make you shiver with delight :)
@Ivy: same here, I cannot flatten my tummy like a pancake :)
I would love to have a flat tummy but that's nature after giving birth to a child, it is just there. This tummy thing won't go away, although I bike to work (14 km vice versa) and I jog 2x/5 km a week. After all, I am quite happy with my body shape.
I do care of what I eat but am not obsessed about it. From time to time I indulge myself with something delicious (fat, high cholesterol & sweet).
In the winter I take extra vitamine C. The rest of the year, I just have a balanced eating pattern.
@elyani: I have long legs already LOL but since I have big hips, it makes me look awkward in skinny jeans, that's why I have to match it with some sort of bell-bottomed jeans or skinny jeans with bulky boots to "balance" the hips :)
I´m happy to be me^^
my body shape is round? does round count as a curve?
@Lorraine: tummy tucks will most likely be needed by every women in the world, me think :)
@the writer: Va, consider yourself blessed. I am thick on the hips too and 14cm shorter than you. Don't we all possess some gentle bulge all on the wrong places? :)
@ros marya: welcome and thanks for visiting my blog!
@koko: round tummy or round on the backside? if your answer is the first, then you have an Oom..Oom body shape..hehehe!
I want to have body like Fergie from Black Eyed Peas...
I'm not really happy with my present shape. Maybe if you asked me the same question 7 years ago (pre-babies days) I will say YES! hehe. I seriously need to cut down on carbs and sweets. No vitamins but I will start taking this week :)
Amiga, did you know that you can blog your photos straight from flickr? I do it on my posts. All you have to do is set it up in your flickr account.
Aku nggak peduli deh ama bentuk botol nya tapi tau nggak El? Fanta merah ini minuman kesukaan suamiku, tiap liburan brapakali ke Ina besuk aku dan anak2 ..pokoknya nomer satu yang harus kusediakan cuma fanta merah! he he .. maklum dinegaranya nggak ada fanta merah, adanya cuma fanta orange, nah yang itu dia nggak doyan. Dia nggak menkonsumsi alkohol dalam bentuk apapun, nggak modern yak? tapi fanta merah ist the best!
Fotonya cantik El, top banget :D
@Ecky: I think you look fab and healthy, you don't need to be a Fergie :)
@Nanayof2: I am in the battle too. I want to eliminate the tiny bulge in my tummy, and on my hips.
Thanks for the flickr blog tips, I will have a look at it later.
@Judith: duh aku sih gak suka Fanta atau minuman bersoda. Waktu itu pergi sama adik iparku, dia pesan Fanta merah. Sayang ya di Swiss gak ada.
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