February 10, 2008

Double Marble

On my blogwalk today, a marble cake recipe from Rita's blog crosses my path. Marble cake is not the kind of cake that immediately strike anyone as a super-duper, knock-your-socks off kind of dessert but it is a cake you want to eat with a cup of coffee or tea, or by itself as a mid-day snack. It can easily be dressed up with vanilla, chocolate, or any kind of frosting, if desired, but it is very good on its own too. Since I still have green tea powder (matcha) on my pantry, I experimented by adding matcha besides the chocolate powder on the batter.


About me said...

Aduh, jadi ngiler nih mbak... enak bener kelihatannya.

Elyani said...

Lewi : iya enak buat teman minum teh. Bikin-nya juga gampang sekali. Coba'in deh :)

Rita said...

Bagi aku sepotong dong...jadi kepengen juga, udah lama ga bikin cake itu....enak buat ngemil bareng secangkir teh....