Since the passing of my best friend Fatso last year, I have found it very hard to get motivated other than reminding myself that I need to take a morning walk again to stay fit. That should be motivating enough, I guess, but I have had many excuses. When Fatso still around, he would come to my bedroom in the morning to wake me up and take him out for a walk. That's great motivation, because if I didn't get up and do it he's going to follow me around and making me feel guilty for making him hold his nature's call. Fatso never did his business inside the house.
I keep saying I want to go walking every morning and I never get to go. Sometimes I simply don't want to wake up. This is the toughest battle I face. But I started jogging again a couple of days ago, and I will jog again every morning to improve my health and weight loss. I'm not fat, but I started to get that extra handle in the belly, so it was time to stop it before it got to be too thick like a pork chop...LOL! To beat my laziness what I did was before I go to bed I line up my track suit on the top of my bedside table. That way I condition my mind that when I wake up in the morning I have to put on my attire and ready to go, no more excuses. Admit it everyone, we all are vain and want to look good, aren't we?
Oh God. I really need to exercise too. It's not good being 26 and unhealthy :P
I used to do my own yoga ball exercise at home but now I couldn't be bothered ... too lazy :P
I must I must I must improve my bust!
God for you!
I had a similar experience after my dog died. No walking of the dog anymore.
So I had to add a extra stimulus (a rowing machine). Because, actually there are a quite number of good reasons for physical exercise. Apart from keeping up or boosting one's physical condition, it also may help the condition of the brains. Or rather: lack of exercise may cause deterioration (and being not very smart already, I can't afford that to happen).
GOsh; I meant to say: Good for you!
@Therry : my bust is barely there...LOL! there's no point exercise will help them grow bigger like those of Dolly Parton's. But I can work out my derriere...LOL!
@Colson : I couldn't agree more. Exercise improves our mindset tremendously. There is no worse feeling than being stagnant.
The air is just too dirty in my neighborhood to walk or jog much, so I finally got a home treadmill. We're on the fourth floor so the air is OK up here. I'm not that crazy about treadmills but I am so much happier and saner when I can exercise every day! And after two years in Jakarta, I have a bit of a "pork chop" to get rid of! :)
hi ely,
welcome to the lazy kingdom.. :)
i think we have something in common when it comes to exercise...
recently i bowed to my friends' persuasion to go to the gymn and become FF member. i bought new shoes, new spors wear, a google and a blue swimming cap...
it still hards to exercise regularly, but i keep telling myself: "kalo ga ke gymn rugi.. dah mahal2 bayar.."
hahaha.. jadi motivasinya, bkn krn mau sehat, tp krn ga mau rugi.
tp berasa loh, after working out, I usually feel healhtier...
this morning, for i joined the yoga class. as a newcomer, i made lots of mistakes and whenever i found the movements too hard, i didn't force myself, but just did whatever i could...
ayo ely.., you have to exercise regularly... kl perlu ikutan jd member di gymn, ntar kita ketemu di sana .. :)
wuah mba..aku lebih2 malesnya..olahraga aja ga pernah.. nih duduk di kursi kantor aja seharian.. :)
@kopisusu2: my acupuncturist told me many moon ago to find something active that I enjoyed doing. Now after one week of jogging, I have successfully shed a bit of my love handle :) I can be one tough cookie when thrown in the face of adversity.
@Mbak Sima: I joined aerobic class, went swimming and regularly walking my dog until he passed away last year. I don't know what took me so long to get back in the exercise habit again. I, now, jog/walk on average 30-40 minutes every morning.
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