April 1, 2008

Scents that heal

I ran out of my favorite Pain Relief Oil yesterday. Saying I have a favorite pain relief oil may sound odd to you. But I always struggle on and off with migraine at least once or twice in a month. I usually didn't start out the day with a headache, but it almost always triggered with something petty like being outdoor under the scorching sun too long or I took my lunch a little late than usual. Once it hit me, the pain sometimes last through another day. That's why I always have Panadol Extra on my purse.

I love this aromatic oil because it does not have an overpowering scent. It's a nice blend of nutmeg, ginger and cajuput oil (kayu putih), that will give you a soothing and relaxing feeling! I've been experimenting with another blends from the same brand but my favorite is this one. I either use them for massage the forehead, temples, neck and shoulder or pour a few drops of this aromatic blend into the hot water in a basin and breath in deeply.


Therry said...

Enak ya wanginya?? Jadi pengen :D

Harganya brp?

Elyani said...

Therry : iya aku suka aroma "pala" pada aromaterapi ini. Baunya tidak begitu tajam meski untuk dibakar sebagai pewangi ruangan. Biasanya aku campur dengan air saja dan taruh lilin dibawahnya. Kalau di ruangan ber AC wanginya tambah enak. Harganya 74 ribu Rupiah di counter Sari Ayu.

Anonymous said...

naaah..kok aku ga suka aromaterapi yak? rasanya pusing loh kalo hirup gitu..kenapa yak? :)