1. Do you ever put on the television or radio just for background noise?
2. Must you always sleep on the same side of the bed?
3. Do you keep a cute picture of yourself in your wallet to show your friends?
4. Did you watch any of the Euro Cup 2008? If so, what did you enjoy most about this tournament?
5. Other than bathroom tissue, what one product would you hate to run out of?
6. Is there a favorite childhood book that you still love? If so, what is it, and
when is the last time you re-read it?
7. Do you pay your bills when they arrive or on the due date?
8. What habit do you wish you could break yourself of?
9. When is the last time you said a bad word?
10. Do you prefer the window or aisle seat when flying?
Hope you have fun with the test.
1. Do you ever put on the television or radio just for background noise? nope.
2. Must you always sleep on the same side of the bed? nope.
3. Do you keep a cute picture of yourself in your wallet to show your friends? nope.
4. Did you watch any of the Euro Cup 2008? If so, what did you enjoy most about this tournament? nope.
5. Other than bathroom tissue, what one product would you hate to run out of? drinking water
6. Is there a favorite childhood book that you still love? If so, what is it, and
when is the last time you re-read it? all roald dahl books. havent read any in maybe 18 years.
7. Do you pay your bills when they arrive or on the due date? when they arrive.
8. What habit do you wish you could break yourself of? binging and snacking.
9. When is the last time you said a bad word? 5 minutes ago? lol
10. Do you prefer the window or aisle seat when flying? aisle.
1. Do you ever put on the television or radio just for background noise? No. Waste of electricity :P
2. Must you always sleep on the same side of the bed? Usually, but sometimes I switch places out of boredom and sleep difficulty.
3. Do you keep a cute picture of yourself in your wallet to show your friends? No. Isn't that a bit narcissistic? lol
4. Did you watch any of the Euro Cup 2008? If so, what did you enjoy most about this tournament? Sometimes, but usually I fall asleep after about 20 minutes of watching it. So didn't really enjoy it that much, I guess.
5. Other than bathroom tissue, what one product would you hate to run out of? Dove soap. They go pretty fast for a freaking bar of soap!
6. Is there a favorite childhood book that you still love? If so, what is it, and
when is the last time you re-read it? Hans Christian Andersen's illustrated version that's like really huge. I think I flicked through it last year. It is still sooo beautiful ;)
7. Do you pay your bills when they arrive or on the due date? uhm. In between?
8. What habit do you wish you could break yourself of? Procrastinating and sleeping late.
9. When is the last time you said a bad word? Yesterday.
10. Do you prefer the window or aisle seat when flying? window.
6.petruk gareng, loooooooong time ago
7.before the due date
8.being lazy
9.don't remember
10.aisle, it's near the toilet :)
1. Do you ever put on the television or radio just for background noise? Soemtimes
2. Must you always sleep on the same side of the bed? Not really
3. Do you keep a cute picture of yourself in your wallet to show your friends? Better keep my money first.
4. Did you watch any of the Euro Cup 2008? If so, what did you enjoy most about this tournament? Never.
5. Other than bathroom tissue, what one product would you hate to run out of? My turtle food
6. Is there a favorite childhood book that you still love? If so, what is it, and
when is the last time you re-read it? Enid Blyton. Last time I read when I was 15
7. Do you pay your bills when they arrive or on the due date? Earlier than the bills because afraid of their nasty debt collector
8. What habit do you wish you could break yourself of? Sleeping so very late
9. When is the last time you said a bad word?Just now, when the internet connection so slow
10. Do you prefer the window or aisle seat when flying? Aisle, must aisle
1. Do you ever put on the television or radio just for background noise?
Nope - I think that's a waste of electricity
2. Must you always sleep on the same side of the bed?
Yes, I have to sleep on the window side
3. Do you keep a cute picture of yourself in your wallet to show your friends?
Nope, I've grown from that phase hehehe
4. Did you watch any of the Euro Cup 2008? If so, what did you enjoy most about this tournament?
Yes, absolutely. What to enjoy the most? How about gorgeous men running around in tight shirts and skimpy shorts? Hehehe Just kidding, I was a sportswriter once and still enjoy watching football
5. Other than bathroom tissue, what one product would you hate to run out of?
Milk - I picked that habit when I moved here. (Homer Simpson style:) "Must not run out of milk"
6. Is there a favorite childhood book that you still love? If so, what is it, and
when is the last time you re-read it?
Childhood book? Hmm Probably the Famous Five a.k.a. Lima Sekawan. I love to re-read all my books (when I was at home in Indonesia of course - I don't have my books here) because I can't eat without reading
7. Do you pay your bills when they arrive or on the due date?
When they arrive - it's best for me to get rid of them as soon as possible, but I am also signed up for some payment service where it automatically deducts the amount from my bank account, so I only pay bills manually for some unusual bills I get
8. What habit do you wish you could break yourself of?
Eating instant noodles. I am a huge fan and although I know it's dangerous for my health (almost as bad as smoking), I am pretty addicted to it
9. When is the last time you said a bad word?
This morning, when a guy pissed me off at the canteen. I mumbled "Røvhul" at him, which means "axxhxle" in English
10. Do you prefer the window or aisle seat when flying?
Depends on the length of the flight. I'd pick aisle seat for long-haul, simply because I go to the toilet pretty often, but I usually love to bog down by the window as I love the view
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