My cat, Suneo, thinks he owns the house. If he is a post paid cellphone, he has a free roaming all over the house...LOL! Suneo sleeps wherever he wants to. Sometimes he naps on top of the desk, on top the stack boxes, on top of the refrigerator, on the couch, in my chair, and on the bed...pretty much anywhere he finds himself when he's tired. He even takes my blanket! If he choses an alternate sleeping place, he is always on my bed 20 minutes before the alarm goes off to nudge me out of bed, when I am just trying to rest. If I lock my bedroom door, he would knock or scratch the door off to get me up and let him in. When I still have had a dog, I allowed Fatso to sleep in my bedroom, so I can't say NO either to Suneo. After some times of having him, I think he don't know that he is a cat. He thinks he is just as human as we are...LOL!

Oh my God!!!!!!!! Suneo is soooooooo bloody cute!!! eerrhghghhgh.. *kegemesan*
does he have a nobita and shizuka to play with?
ha.ha.. how cute.. :)
@Rima: kalau lihat fotonya emang Suneo bikin gemes..tapi nakalnya minta ampun! Dulu dinamain Suneo karena bentuk mukanya tirus banget dan kurus, sekarang sih ukuran-nya sudah sama dengan Nobita atau Giant ...LOL! Suneo gak punya teman kucing, dia agak galak kalau ada kucing yg lewat dekat2 sini. Kelakuan-nya kayak anak semata wayang..duh..manja dan demanding!
@Mbak Sima : kucing dirumah, laki atau perempuan? boleh dong kenalan sama Suneo :)
Elyaniiii hiks .. si Andy barusan kukasih liat poto2nya Suneo, Andy mau Suneonya!dia bilang "ig wott diese Katze mamaa ..." artinya aku mau kucing ini mama..
Suneo bergaya euy ...
looks like a real character! :)
foto pertama, posisi tidurnya lucu bangett.. hehehe :)
duh maap ya suneo, flanelmu belon kelar neh.. belon sempet2... maap yaaak... :)
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