My older brother has not spoken to my youngest brother since my nephew , A, was born almost 3 years ago. I don't know exactly what happened between the two of them but until today it looks like the older bro still has a problem with forgiving. Hearing from my youngest bro who is very close to me, I believe it is merely a misunderstanding, but men have huge egos. On the other hand, my oldest sister is very forgiving and quick to get over things. I am somewhat in between. I've sometimes held a grudge for a while but it usually passes quite quickly. I know I'm capable of being unintentionally rude or insensitive myself if I'm under stress but I never stay mad for too long anyway so I tend to let most things go.
So, are you a forgiving soul or do you hold grudges against people?
I'm kind of forgive but not forget type. One doesn;t have to 'feed' the anger as this will grow so much that the cause of it would fade away. One more thing: being angry is not wrong, but staying angry is a negative emotion which I'd love to avoid.
Have a nice week end!
aku tipe yang ga bisa maafin orang secepatnya... tapi ga dendam..cuman ngelupain rasa kesal itu ga gampang.. bagiku loh ya :)
rata2 sih yg ga dendam2 amat.. tp ya seperti lorraine bilang, ga gampang lupa.
i think im stupid sometimes cos i can forgive and forget. but the thing is, i unconsciously expect the same from other people, and they are unlike me at all, so i end up getting hurt.
but oh well, life is short enough and i think that if i live my life holding grudges to others, i cant be totally happy. so i choose to be free of negativity..
I forgive, but I find it hard to forget. But I find comfort that those who've crossed me have got their comeuppances lol
In my opinion, anger is a healthy human emotion. What's unhealthy is letting it control us, and enslave us to the point that our life is driven by anger and hatred.
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