I was strolling through the super market minding my own business when I spied a display of local chocolate bars called
Javanese word for "please". I hadn’t heard of this brand before and was interested with the wrapper which is so Indonesia featuring
'becak' (a three wheel bicycle taxi),
'Semar' (Javanese shadow puppet character) and
'gunungan' (gunung, mountain ... the most important requisite in the wayang performance).

One of the variant
"Caramello" was even labelled 'Belgian Chocolate'. Out of curiosity, I picked up 2 bars to try. They are dark chocolate, to be more precise, well dark chocolate with 'stuff' added, to be even more precise. In Caramello they used ginger extract but I cannot identify the ginger taste at all.
Mbak, I've lived here for the past 8 years, and trust me, I know my chocolates. Never seen this one here before. But maybe a chocolatier from Belgium, or an Indonesian that used to live her and learned to make chocolates are the owners of that company? I dont know..
Was it good though??
Rima, Monggo chocolate is manufactured locally in Yogyakarta which is why you will not find this brand in Belgium. I thoroughly enjoyed it, kinda dark, not like milk chocolate, overall not bad at all. I will get you some as an oleh-oleh :)
I already have been thinking about buying this chocolate when I visit Yogya next month! :)
I've tried this chocolate before, it's a strong one coz it's dark choco. I found it in Grand Indonesia in a small shop sells traditional Indonesian food, but then again I found it in circle K.. uhm not so original as I thought. But worth to try though.
Elyani bought a bar for me to try - I'm going to take pics of it first before I gobble it ;P
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