The last few weeks I've been fortunate to meet my blogger buddies, Sima, Therry, Toni, a long time cyber pal from Manila (Tess), and today I have a pleasure of meeting two best friends in real life and in cyber-world, duo Anita and Ecky.
Therry and I were late when we reached Cazbar (am not sure what time the appointment was) but everybody looked happy. The four of us had a nice get-together, with lots of good conversation, and plenty of laughter. My first impression when I saw Anita was ... wow, she is gorgeous! Unlike what certain blogger said about Anita, in my opinion Anita is not a snob! In fact, she is a sweet, down to earth person, looks well groomed and classy...something obviously I can't relate to. Bottom line is Anita possesses a beauty, elegance and style and carried them off so effortlessly! Now that is how ladies should appear and behave. And the person who does not like her doesn't know the real person that she is. I wouldn't be so quick to judge a blogger by her/his blog. The best possible way would be seeing how that person is outside their cyber life (note : I don't get bribed to say this...LOL!). By the way, lime green isn't an easy colour to carry but I think that shade really suits her. She rocks in that dress...

Ah, iri berat nih :D
Psst... I'm not what Elyani said, I'm just a regular girl.. dan kalau difoto keliatan bagus itu karena mata dan kamera Elyani yang bisa ngambil the best angle hihihi.
Was my pleasure to meet you in person too El.
Buat yang gak di Jakarta, silahkan iri ;)
Envy you guys all, bisa ketemu, ngobrol & pasti makanannya ok :-D!
You three look all really sweet (why are you not on the pics El?).
Can't wait to be back in Jkt again (my plan is next year) to meet you fellow bloggers.
saya di jakarta dan tetap iri.
Mengapa para wanita ini selalu rajin kopdar-an, kok lelakinya ga pernah ada?
Come on boys... we should hangouts sometimes, and talk about.. GIRLS...
@woelank : but they are all so gorgeous with classy outfits, as you can see in the picture :).
I believe you guys had fun,while I'm overwhelmed with the beauty chemistry here.Nice gathering.
(Looking at the devastating beauties in the pictures, I was carried away...)
Eh, Sorry to interrupt your conversation ladies. But I have to inform you the state of emergency has been proclaimed and we are not allowed to leave the premises.
If you would do me the favor of your company, I gladly protect you from any danger. Would you care for a drink?
Agree with you on Anita's lime green dress - she looked stunning! And Ecky - wow, she's HOT, I swear... ;)
I can't wait to have Ecky put up the photo with the four of us in - it just doesn't feel right without you, El!!
PS: Jeez, I have to lose weight, look at those chubby cheeks lol
We look much better because of Elyani's magic hand!
For other male bloggers, come on, what are you afraid of? We won't bite, let's set up a meeting too.
elyani, you should have asked one of your friends to take pictures of you, too, with two of them. they are pretty all right but to me, you are the prettiest both in and out and i am sure G will agree, right G?
@ Anita, seriously.
Since you will not be able to join Rima & me in Den Haag in August, why don't we set a meet up in Brussels, somewhere in the winter? Kita buat kopdar cabang Eropa ha..ha..Kalo the writer mau ikutan wah monggo banget.
seriously i don't think they look stunning. pretty much average.
as for meeting up... i am in jkt in 2 weeks time...
but i think i'd prob get lynched by u lot!
wow....3 hot babes! Anita looks so classy and Ecky is so sweet looking. Her smile says it all. Kalo Therry mah ga usah dibilang ya...uda bosen jg dipuji ma aku dia hahaha... Where's your pic El??
Elyani's pic will be revealed at Ecky's blog!
John Orford: jealous ya :P. Next time you'd be in the middle of 4 stunning girls in a manner of James Bond and let's see what you'd say.
Lorraine: ayuk! tapi bilang jauh-jauh hari. Visa Schengen lama bikinnya :P
@john: they are stunning!
@the girls: you are, really. dont let anyone say otherwise!
@the writer: ayo kita kopdar, kapan balik ke Indo? :)
@Ecky: kopdar ternyata addicted ya, Ky!
@Lorraine, Belle,Ivy & Therry: I look better behind the camera than in front of it, LOL!
@Woelank: hayo kapan kita bisa jumpa dengan para bloggerwan...ditunggu ya! :)
@Toni: they are simply gorgeous.
@Colson: aye, aye Sir :)
@Anita : agree, let's set up a meeting with the boys this time!
@John: you stunned me with your statement. Well, you know where to contact us (the girls) if you want to meet offline in Jakarta :)
@Rima: makanya pulang dong Rim, aku juga pengen sekali ketemu Rima :)
Next time kopdar at Sundanese Resto! Ya El ;)
@elyani: Masih gak tau, tapi tahun depan pasti balik, sudah kangen sama nasi pecel dan sayur lodeh :D
@anita: Boleh tuh landcoffee cabang Eropa. Kabar2i yaa
@therry: What are you saying about those cheeks, huh????????? You haven't seen mine CHUBBY cheeks LOL
@Ecky: sok atuh urang janjian :)
@the writer: ikutan ke Surabaya ah, mau makan bebek goreng, beli lemper sama kue lumpur di langganan adik-ku suka beli, dan jajan di pasar Atom. Ayo buruan balik :)
next time kopdar lagi yach Ely... rame2 must be fun.... :)
sabtu ini mau ajak teman yg baru datang dari oz main ke saung angklung mang udjo di bandung. ikutan, yuk?
Aduh, You made me craving for all those food sold in pasar Atom's food court. All the mi ayam, es teler, es campur, bakso...ooooh....
@Sima: sip, bentar lagi kita kan mau ketemuan di Bogor. Mau dong ikut ke Mang Ujo. Sepuluh tahun tinggal di Bandung belum kesampean pergi ke Saung Mang Ujo *duh keliwatan ya*...
@the writer: adik-ku yg tukang makan juga bilang di Surabaya ada tempat seafood yg enak banget! Dekat tempatku juga ada lho..namanya Kepiting Cak Gundul...cabang dari Pandaan yg sudah sangat tersohor di Jawa Timur sana. Asli enyak, enyak, enyak ... meski musti merogoh kantong agak dalam...LOL!
Terakhir aku pulang ke Surabaya itu memang makan di Cak Gundul itu. Uenak tenan........kayaknya gak ada yang bisa ngalahin kota kelahiran deh kalo urusan makanan :D
saha wae nu arek ka bogor teh?
milu atuh, sakalian urang balik ieu...
@Woelank: kang, sok atuh ngiringan ke diantos. Mung kedah nganggo rok mini sareng di rawis-rawis nganggo tali rapia nya! :)
baru aja dpt kabar, temanku minta ke bandungnya ditunda krn ia baru kembali dari surabaya dan cape banget.
nanti kita jalan2 bareng lagi yach.
kalo 10 thn tinggal di bandung, bisa jadi guide dong.. :)
Forget me Not!
@Parvita : you bet I won't :)
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