Two weekends ago, for the first time I got to meet a buddy blogger , Sima, from
Cancer Sucks. Through reading and commenting each other's blogs over the last few months, Sima invited me to have a meet up at her house. Sima is a breast cancer survivor who lives one day at a time and also a regular contributor in one of
English-language newspaper in Indonesia. Survivor is indeed a weird word when applied to cancer, because there's no guarantee you can outlive the disease. You merely survive another day. Sima's blog tells about her cancer medical treatment in a straight-forward, yet easy to understand language that I found endearing. Even though I don't have a cancer, through her writing I learned that you can keep enjoying life in the midst of difficult challenges.
Sima and I didn't spend too much time on our first rendez-vous. I was caught by the heavy traffic and by the time I reached her place it was already 3pm. We only spent about two hours talking
(in between a delicious lunch) about our families, our lives and our pets
(Sima has a cute kitty cat named Lulu). I was comfortable talking to her, this blogging thing is really quite special. We all make choices of what to reveal about ourselves, our problems through our writing. Sima is a one brave, inspiring little woman, a joyful, sweet woman with a great sense of humour. She is still battling her cancer right now and she is a two year Survivor. Her attitude toward life is exuberant and contagious! Thank you Sima, for being such a great influence.
mba, you know how i love your blog, right?
well, i have given out a blog award to 5 great bloggers, you are included. you can see it here.
Thank you Rima, jadi malu nih. Blogku gak ada apa2nya.
hi Ely,
thanks so much.. i am so happy to know you, who always give me supports. you are indeed a great blogger & friend. i agree with rima, you deserve the award.. !
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