We had a nice lunch, with lots of good conversation, and plenty of laughter. The most interesting part is, of course, our pets!! It was so much more fun to talk and laugh in person. I think blogging is a cool thing. You have done all the introductions, post entries etc. online, so face to face you can get into more interesting conversations straight away, rather than small talk. Isn't it amazing how so many of us feel like friends even though we've never met in person? We moved to the coffee shop, where the talking, the laughter, the understanding, continued and strolled the mall a bit for window shopping. We each got so carried away with our ramblings, we kind of forgot the time! The conversation eventually took off after I mentioned to Therry about the printed handbags I've been seen in one of the shop at the second floor. You might ask “what’s all the fuss about”... but to Therry and me, these bags we're eyeing is really cute. Therry chose the Dachsund's print design and I chose the one with kitty prints. We are like two grown women who can't get enough of hello Kitty or Snoopy and looked for an excuse for clinging to our juvenile...LOL! My kitty bag is large and roomy enough to easily hold everything, from camera, cellphone, wallet, tissues paper etc. Our last stop before we headed home was to the pet shop where Therry bought some food supply for her four legged baby, Micah. And I got a new collar for my cat, Suneo.
Thank you Therry, it was like we have known each other for ages. Thanks for your time , it was great meeting you and hope we can meet again in our next rendez-vous!
Thanks Elyani!!! I'm sooo coming to visit you again soon! :)
and I LOVE my bag so much hahaha...thanks for showing it to me :)
Now I sooo envy you girls! I wanted a meet up too!! (I don't know why but somehow this line reminds me of something hahahaha)
I wanna come.. I wanna comeeee...
very cute bag, although a bit disappointed not to see pics of you guys... ;)
Nice bags!
Happy to be able witnessing the rise of friendships. Kopdar terusss jadi iri2in kita yg disini.
yes, where are the pictures of you and Therry? ohh, i haven't had a chance of meeting a fellow blogger. hope i can, one day.
So a meet-up with Ecky and I is in the agenda?
@Rima & Belle : we will meet up again soon, promise will take pic this time around :)
@Anita: sure Nit, weekends are all I can do (unless there's a public holiday) :) When are you leaving, anyway?
Coming coming coming.... Let's set up the date, place and time.. and let's make Rima & The writer jealous :p
El, I tagged you.. Please visit my blog ;)
Yuk, yuk ketemuan sama Anita dan Ecky !!
@Therry: kita gak bisa kopdaran sama Rima, ya udah sama misuanya aja...hehehe!
Elyani, I think misuanya Rima takut kopdar sama cewe-cewe gila kayak kita. Well we are crazy, you're just sweet :).
cuma mo bilang... I'm happy to read all abour your friendship story, and all about your kopdar2-an moment, hehehehe...
Wish one day I could join you girls...
@Silly: asik2 tambah satu lagi yg jeles. Apalagi tau Silly senang batik. Wah tambah seru nih, bisa tuker2an koleksi kain panjang sama aku Sil :)
guys, laki gw sinting banget.. tapi kalo da ga kenal dia pasti diem.. kalo ama temen2 gue yang dia udah kenal, kemaren sih dia udah langsung dating tuh lol... mulut dia ma gue sama comberannya!
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